Refreshed Mission, Renewed Energy Around SheLeadsTech程序

作者: 诺艾尔酸洗液, Senior Manager, Community 参与ment Operations, ISACA
发表日期: 2024年3月8日

ISACA has been championing women in technology – or those who identify as such – since long before “SheLeadsTech” became the official moniker. The association’s efforts to 授权 women in digital trust professions have taken many forms over the years, all leading to where we are today: still as committed as ever, 对这个项目有宏伟的计划和梦想.

In 2024, 我们很高兴推出一个新标志, 一个全新的使命和承诺, and renewed energy around the incredible work being done through our SheLeadsTech program. And what better time to talk about the future of SheLeadsTech than 妇女历史月 在三月及 国际妇女节 3月8日. 女性在每一张桌子上都占有重要地位, and as the rapid demand for digital trust professionals increases, it’s imperative they have the support and access to serve as leaders in our industry sectors.



First, we are proud to represent the program with a beautiful new logo. With purple being a color representing women’s rights, 蓝色代表科技和商业, 颜色融合向前移动. The symbol, equal to or greater than, emphasizes the idea of surpassing parity.

”参与. 授权. 提升.” has been the program tagline since its early days, and we felt it remains a strong and accurate way to represent the mission and vision of SheLeadsTech.


Information about SheLeadsTech is available on, where you can read ISACA’s commitment to the program, and find ways to get involved. The page will be continually updated as the program continues to evolve and adapt to this complex issue. 访问

The landing page also features the program’s three key pillars:

We 参与 with current and future global professionals and allies to increase diverse representation within our industry sectors.

Through strategic partnerships and volunteer support, we 授权 our network and support our chapters in confronting the unique challenges in their countries and regions.

Our training and skills development programs offer opportunities to 提升 数字领域出现更多女性领导者.


Supporting the advancement of women in digital trust professions requires involvement from every gender and every nationality. ISACA’s chapters play a key role in communicating and championing the SheLeadsTech program in their communities and growing local support; many have exemplified their efforts by including more female volunteer leaders and speakers in their programming.

  • ISACA成员 can get involved by connecting with their local chapters to participate in SheLeadsTech-related volunteer opportunities, 比如在活动中帮助员工, 寻找演讲者, 或者创建社交媒体内容.
  • 每一个人 can get involved by sharing their stories and learning from others in the SheLeadsTech澳门赌场官方下载 在ISACA上交战,参加 本地SheLeadsTech活动, mentoring women in your professional network, or 志愿服务 for ISACA Global (indicate SheLeadsTech as an area of interest on your 志愿者概要 接收通知).
  • ISACA北美会议2024与会者 can attend a SheLeadsTech educational session and networking break at the 即将到来的事件 5月8日至10日在美国亚利桑那州凤凰城举行.
  • 捐赠 ISACA基金会(原One in Tech), which provides access to resources and support to individuals who are underrepresented in the IT industry. The ISACA Foundation supports women through its Women’s Month scholarship program. This year's scholarship application opens 26 March.

We are excited about these updates and the resources and tools in progress, but we know there is more work to be done to reach our program’s objectives. Until the time when a program like SheLeadsTech is no longer needed, ISACA will be committed to helping women achieve and advance in the digital trust professions.

而我们在三月庆祝妇女月, we hope you will use the opportunity to learn more, 如果你受到了启发, 找个机会参与其中. Mentioning the program and ISACA’s work in this area to just one other person makes an impact.
