How AI Is Transforming 审计, Risk and Compliance

作者: 丹尼尔卡普
发表日期: 2024年3月14日

编者按: The following is a sponsored blog post from 审计Board.

Over the past decade, 审计, 风险和合规职能部门已经进行了数字化转型,以协调和优化工作,帮助其组织变得更具弹性和可持续性. 同时, 这些转换必须服务于第二个目的,即帮助减少历来困扰审计的管理负担和手工任务, 资源有限的风险和法规遵从团队. 人工智能(AI)将在帮助团队同时支持这两个目标方面发挥关键作用——建立更有弹性的组织,同时以更少的努力完成更多的工作.

More organizations than ever are relying on their 审计, 风险和遵从性功能,帮助他们发现前瞻性的业务见解和机会. 交付这些成果需要的不仅仅是简单地规范化和整合数据, processes and workflows. It demands connecting data across functions, uncovering 趋势 as they happen, and proactively surfacing actionable issues, 风险s and insights.



Reducing the Regulatory Compliance Burden

的速度 regulatory and legislative change continues to accelerate across cybersecurity, 数据隐私, 和环境, social, and governance (ESG). 进入新市场也会出现新的遵从性要求, 分拆新的业务部门和其他业务变化. 审计, 风险和法规遵循团队在帮助他们的组织理解新需求方面扮演着至关重要的角色, their likely impact, and how to implement them. AI can help reduce this burden by:

  • Expediting adoption of new compliance frameworks. 实施新框架的组织需要创建映射到新框架需求的证据请求. 人工智能可以快速定位可能与新需求相关的现有请求. 如果合适的话, 可以将现有请求连接到新需求,或者利用现有请求来加速编写新证据请求的过程.
  • Reducing noncompliance 风险. 人工智能可以帮助监控当前的法规遵从性义务, 识别差距和问题,以减少不合规或罚款的风险.
  • Horizon scanning and monitoring. 可以利用人工智能来监控监管和立法活动,以帮助发现和提供新出现的合规风险的早期预警.

Proactively Surfacing Data-Driven Insights

Simple visibility into your data is not enough. As your organization grows, 您的数据在增长,而没有工具来显示可能适用于特定上下文的内容, that data often goes unnoticed and unused. In today’s highly volatile 风险 landscape, 对于您的组织来说,将正在创建的数据之间的点连接起来,并利用这些连接来呈现见解并加速结果,这一点变得越来越重要. 您是否希望在您的合规计划中获得最大的覆盖率, 识别跨业务单元存在的类似风险和问题,或减少澳门赌场官方下载风险管理(ERM)程序中的重复, 人工智能驱动的洞察力可以成为一个强大的推动者,帮助你把这些点联系起来.

Understanding and Solving the Data Problem

The data your organization creates across its 审计, 风险, and compliance programs — from controls, 风险或证据要求的问题和政策-很大程度上是非结构化的. While organizations do try to label, tag and segment their data, 大多数创建的数据很快就会进入数据库. 结果是, data can quickly become hard to find, or its existence may be unknown when the data is needed.

AI solutions have the power to collect, 分类, search and analyze your data in new ways, 在幕后工作,处理数百万个数据点,以获得可能无法获得的见解. 这些解决方案旨在帮助您有效地从组织的数据和团队生成的工作中挖掘和提取价值, 为您提供见解和及时的联系,节省您的时间,并帮助您建立一个更具风险意识和弹性的组织. AI solutions can also offer other key benefits, 包括帮助驱动竞争优势和保护组织免受风险(例如).g.、不合规、声誉受损、财务损失). Example use cases include:

  • Continuously identifying 风险s, 趋势, potential blind spots, and predictive insights, 帮助团队做出更明智的决定,决定在哪里集中精力,并获得整个组织的威胁和机会的真实图景
  • Increasing coverage across larger datasets (e.g., more full population testing)
  • 创建有助于传达关键风险和见解的数据可视化
  • Detecting fraud, anomalies and suspicious patterns
  • Detecting patterns of over- or under-testing of controls
  • Detecting potential cybersecurity threats, breaches, and impacts
  • Detecting and reducing errors and irregularities
  • 发现改进流程和工作流的机会

不同的人工智能技术以不同的方式执行这项工作. As with all generative AI outputs, however, 审查和验证人工智能驱动的见解和建议是安全利用这项技术的关键. 人类的洞察力, 判断和经验对于建立在人工智能输出的基础上发展相关知识至关重要, 提出可行的建议,并就战略和下一步行动作出明智的决定.

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