Ransomware Looms Large on Third-Party Risk Landscape

作者: 比利甘兰, ISACA网络安全考试工程师
发表日期: 2023年1月10日

网络安全 supply chain risk management is an increasingly important concern for enterprises. As adoption of cloud datacenters and software as a service grows, so does reliance on complex and global supply chains that introduce a multitude of potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. 在这篇博文中, we will explore some key strategies for identifying and mitigating supply chain risks, with a special emphasis on ransomware risks in the supply chain.

First, it is important to have a clear understanding of the enterprise’s IT-related supply chain. 这包括识别所有的供应商, 分包商和其他合作伙伴, transmit or store data used in the creation of the enterprise’s products and services. It is also important to understand the relationships between these different entities, as well as the specific products and services that each one provides, 哪一个会导致映射.

Once the supply chain has been mapped out, the next step is to 识别潜在风险 与链的每个组成部分相关联的. 这包括外部风险和内部风险. External risks might include things like natural disasters, 政治不稳定或经济衰退. Internal risks might include things like employee turnover, equipment failure or data breaches.

To identify these risks, enterprises should consider conducting a risk assessment. This will involve gathering and analyzing data from a variety of sources, 包括供应商合同, insurance policies and regulatory compliance reports. It might also involve conducting onsite visits to suppliers or engaging in other forms of due diligence.

Once the risks have been identified and documented, the next step is to develop strategies for mitigating them. This will involve implementing processes or technologies to reduce the likelihood of cyber supply chain disruptions or establishing contingency plans in case disruptions do occur. 例如, an enterprise might implement a software platform that allows it to monitor its supply chain in real-time or to establish relationships with multiple email suppliers to reduce the impact of any single supplier’s disruption.

除了这些积极的措施, it is important to have a plan in place to respond to supply chain disruptions if and when they occur. It is also important to communicate clearly and effectively with stakeholders, 包括员工, 客户与股东, to ensure that they are aware of the situation and the steps being taken to address it. 这可能涉及启动应急计划, such as sourcing products from alternative suppliers or temporarily suspending operations.


目前, ransomware is a significant risk for enterprises that rely on third-party vendors for business-critical operations. A ransomware attack on a vendor’s system can disrupt the flow of goods and services, leading to financial losses and reputational damage for enterprises. Vendors that have fallen victim to ransomware attacks may not be able to provide assurance that the attack has been fully contained or that customer data have not been compromised.

To mitigate the risk of a ransomware attack through third-party, it is important for enterprises to conduct thorough due diligence when selecting vendors. This might include reviewing vendors’ cybersecurity practices and policies, as well as assessing their track records of security breaches or incidents using a third-party vendor management platform or online news sources. 澳门赌场官方下载s should also consider requiring vendors to demonstrate their cyber resilience though regular assessments or certifications.

除了进行尽职调查, enterprises can implement other risk management strategies to protect themselves from ransomware attacks through their supply chains. This might include implementing and testing contingency plans for responding to disruptions, 有不同的沟通方式, having robust data and system backups that are tested for recoverability, and regularly updating software and systems to protect against new threats.

In conclusion, supply chain risk management is an essential concern for enterprises. By taking the time to understand the enterprise’s supply chain and identify potential risks, enterprises can help mitigate these risks and protect the enterprise from potential disruptions. By implementing proactive measures and having a clear plan in place for responding to disruptions, enterprises can help ensure that they continue operating effectively in the face of any challenge.

编者按: For additional resources on this topic, download ISACA’s 勒索软件准备审核计划.