Award-Winner Creates a Culture of Innovation, Adaptability and Inclusion

作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2023年4月14日

编者按: 雷蒙娜Ratiu is being recognized 与 the 2023 ISACA励志领袖奖 感谢她鼓舞人心的工作, 教育, mentorship and guidance to advance current and future generations of technologists, 以及她为全世界女性所做的宣传. Ratiu, cyber security program manager at Zurich Insurance Group and ISACA Chicago Chapter President, and her fellow Global Achievement Award honorees were recognized in May at ISACA Conference North America: Digital Trust World 在波士顿. Ratiu最近访问了ISACA现在博客,讨论了芝加哥分会最近的一些成就和她未来的目标. 到nominate an outstanding colleague for a 2024 ISACA Award, submit a nomination form here:


毫无疑问, 在我的领导下,最有价值的成就是将一群志愿者聚集在一起,并使他们能够为一个共同的目标而合作. They are responsible for our chapter’s maturity, 感谢我们屡获殊荣的项目,感谢我们在ISACA澳门赌场官方下载所产生的积极影响. 每个团队成员的奉献精神和辛勤工作都有助于实现我们的使命和愿景, and I am incredibly proud of their contributions.

Building on the foundation of a 50-year-old chapter, we have identified areas for improvement and implemented enhancements to boost our programs. One such program is our award-winning #CollectiveResilience initiative, 旨在通过一系列虚拟举措在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间为我们的成员提供支持, 包括澳门赌场官方下载共享网络研讨会, 每月专业主题和网络研讨会, 大流行时期的有用资源列表, 虚拟网络事件, and industry partnership events 与 a global audience. 除了, we have developed the GROW mentorship program, 为ISACA芝加哥澳门赌场官方下载内的专业人士提供一个平台,在他们的成功之旅中相互联系和指导. 有了这些程序, 我们的目标是激励澳门赌场官方软件学习, 成长, 并蓬勃发展, 即使面对逆境.

We’ve established new partnerships to support emerging talent and future leaders, from offering an 8-week tech summer program to 6th-8th 从支持高中GirlCon团体到建立大学级别的学生团体. We shared our knowledge in cybersecurity and IT risk 与 students from universities, 当地和斯里兰卡都有. 我们还加强了与世界各地分会的关系,并提供了我们的指导和观点, which contributed to the advancement of the ISACA community and our industry at large.

We have become a more diverse and inclusive chapter though our programs. 我们倾听了ISACA女性澳门赌场官方下载的需求,并为她们量身定制了支持和赋权项目. 芝加哥分会在过去四年中获得了四个奖项,这让我为领导这样一支非凡的志愿者团队感到无比自豪:2020 ISACA K. Wayne Snipes Best Chapter Award; 2021 ISACA Innovative Chapter Program Award for Member Experience; 2022 Outstanding Chapter Leader Award; and 2023 Inspirational Leadership Award.

ISACA现在: Tell us a bit about the “SheLeadsTech … 专业技术”项目 and why that is important to you?

“SheLeadsTech……” 在与科技行业的女性接触数月并收集她们的反馈后,“专家”项目诞生了.

我了解到,如果倾听我们行业的女性领导者,或者从对我们社会产生影响的女性的历史成就中学习,女性会感到更受鼓舞和鼓舞. Therefore, the Inspiring Women pillar of the program was born. 然后我意识到,在我们的行业中,女性需要女性榜样来利用她们在该领域的知识和专业知识, 以及他们的职业发展, 专家支柱就此诞生. In this perpetually bustling world and fast-paced lifestyle, 每个人都需要时间“充电”, 振兴, 和授权.” Thus, the "Virtual Retreat Pillar" came into existence.

The three pillars formed the “SheLeadsTech … 专业技术”项目, designed to support and increase the representation of women in technology leadership roles.

我认为这个项目是一个促进我们女性澳门赌场官方下载内知识和思想交流的平台, empowering women to learn from and support one another.

ISACA现在:你是活跃的 SheLeadsTech大使在赋予科技行业女性权力方面,你觉得有哪些方法特别有用?

赋予科技行业的女性权力, it’s crucial to foster a culture that is inclusive, diverse and free from discrimination and harassment. 鼓励女性相互支持也会对她们的成功和进步产生重大影响. 另外, ensuring that women have access to the same opportunities as men in terms of training, 职业发展和薪酬至关重要.

提拔妇女担任领导职务并支持她们发展成功所需的技能是另一个关键方法. 建立导师项目,将女性员工与经验丰富的导师配对,可以提供宝贵的指导和支持. 鼓励年轻女孩追求科技教育和职业的拓展项目,以及为那些想从其他行业转向科技行业的女性提供支持,也会非常有帮助.

与其他组织合作, 科技行业内外都是如此, 在促进性别平等和支持女性在科技领域的发展方面也很重要吗. 最后, 认可和庆祝女性在科技行业取得的成就,是鼓励和激励更多女性投身科技行业的好方法.

通过实施这些策略, companies can establish an atmosphere that supports 和授权s women in the tech workforce. This can result in a more diverse workplace, better decision-making and increased innovation in the industry.

As a message to all women working in the tech industry, 我鼓励你们建立韧性, 随时准备适应快速发展的技术环境,并在领导方法中优先考虑同理心.

ISACA现在: You have also made time to serve as an adjunct risk management professor. Why has mentoring students been a priority amid your busy schedule?

Did I tell you that I have two small children as well? 😊


My students and mentees are truly incredible people, and incredible people are the heart of any and all innovation. 他们有能力完成伟大的事情,并且充满了推动进步的创新想法. 毫无疑问,他们注定是我们世界变革背后的驱动力.

For many individuals, the biggest obstacle to reaching their full potential is themselves. They limit their abilities and conform to self-imposed limitations. 只有当有人鼓励他们超越这些界限去探索时,他们才能挖掘出自己真正的创造力和才华, 通常直到那时才被发现.

作为一个教育者和导师, 我认识到我在帮助这些聪明人充分发挥潜力方面所起的关键作用. 为此目的, investing my time and energy in shaping their futures is a paramount responsibility, one that I approach 与 dedication and passion.

通过培养一个人的潜力, the positive impact can spread beyond our immediate surroundings like a ripple effect, causing a chain reaction that can lead to significant advancements for our society.

I am humbled and honored to play a part in their journey toward greatness, 我期待着见证它们对我们世界的不可思议的影响.

ISACA现在: What are some of your main leadership goals going forward?

随着我们继续在数字时代导航, the tech industry has the power to shape our world in profound ways, which can come 与 significant ethical responsibilities. It is essential to place ethical considerations at the forefront of our decision-making, 团队文化和整体战略, driving the industry forward in a responsible and sustainable way.

我们应该努力培养一种创新和适应能力强的文化,激励我们的同行探索创新思维,承担合理风险,为突破性的技术进步和行业进步铺平道路. 我们应加强与业界的伙伴关系,参与跨行业合作计划,促进合作和知识共享,推动创新.

我们必须共同努力,推动我们的专业发展,并确保技术造福整个社会. 我们可以通过参与导师计划来支持新兴人才和投资未来的领导者,从而有所作为, delivering training and knowledge-sharing sessions, 支持澳门赌场官方下载活动, 或者参加行业组织, 比如ISACA, that focus on professional development and 教育.